Concept Store?
Market stall!
Our roots extend back to 1883, more precisely to a market stall at Vienna’s Brunnenmarkt, where fruit and vegetables were traded even in the days of the still relatively sprightly Emperor Franz Joseph. Today, the same market stall is known far beyond the district borders of Ottakring as STAUD’S Pavillon!
a sweet tooth -

STAUD’S Pavillon at Brunnenmarkt has it all: our entire sweet and delicately sour assortment. And even more delicacies and fine drops from select partners. We are always open and ready for you. Especially during our opening hours!
STAUD’S Pavillon
Dkfm. Hans Staud
Brunnenmarkt 156
Ecke Brunnengasse/
A-1160 Vienna
+43 1 406 88 05 – 21
Opening hours
Tuesday – Friday:
08:30 – 12:30
15:00 – 18:00
08:00 – 14:00
Congratulations: you simply have the best gift ideas! With a delicious voucher from STAUD’S Vienna you will always prove good taste and at the same time spread a lot of joy.